Saturday, May 15, 2004

A double-headed tale

Follow the money, they say.
Seattle (Reuters, May 14) - Two Portland, Oregon, DJs were fired for making jokes as they aired a recording of American Nick Berg's beheading in Iraq, station management said on Friday, calling their actions "beyond comprehension."

The DJs, named only by their on-air personas "Marconi" and "Tiny," and their producer were fired from their morning show on Thursday after the pair laughed and played background music while repeatedly airing Berg's screams as militant Islamists decapitated him.
Yet Rush Limbaugh, who likened the tortures at Abu Ghraib to "anything you'd see ... Britney Spears do on stage" and said the soldiers were just "blow[ing] some steam off," and having "a good time," who called reaction to the torture pictures "an example of the feminization of this country," rolls merrily along.

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