Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I spy with my little eye...

This is a bit old in the blogger world, but still worth it. It's from the Christian Science Monitor's Daily Update on Terrorism & Security for last Thursday, September 23:
Exactly one year ago this Sunday, Sept. 26, newspapers, TV and the Internet were filled with stories about how a "spy ring" had infiltrated the US military prison camp for Taliban and Al Qaeda suspects in Guantanamo, Cuba. The Pentagon announced at the time that it was launching an investigation into an "alleged Syrian-linked spy ring among Muslim Americans working at the detention camp."
Senior Airman Ahmad Al-Halabi, a Syrian-born American citizen, had been arrested on charges of espionage involving sending classified information about the base and its prisoners to Syria. Army Islamic Chaplain James Yee had already been arrested on spying charges and Army Reserve Col. Jackie Duane Farr would also be charged with trying to remove classified material from the base. American officials were quoted as saying this "could be part of one of the most damaging spy rings uncovered in the US military since the cold war," involving not only Syria but "radical Islamic groups."
Wednesday, however, the US military dropped spy charges against Mr. Halabi, in what Reuters described as "the latest setback to the Bush administration's war on terror." Instead, Halabi pleaded guilty to four less serious charges....

In April, all charges were dropped against Capt. Yee (who will be honorably discharged this coming January), and last week the US military dropped charges against Col. Farr of attempting to take classified materials from the base.
Halabi's plea bargain was reached after prosecutors had to admit that not only that just one of the 200 documents in his possession when we was arrested was classified but that they couldn't prove he'd passed any documents to anyone.

Your government protecting you.

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