Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Talking the talk

According to the Korean news service Donga.com,
[t]he "North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004," which connects issues of improvement in the human rights environment in North Korea and U.S. aids to North Korea, is likely to be passed by the U.S. Senate unanimously, according to Kyodo News on September 18.

The "North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004" passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in July.
Surely such devotion to liberty is to be praised! And - hey, wait a minute! Aren't these the same clowns that overwhelmingly passed the TRAITOR Act and then stood by as moves to undo some of the worst features were blocked by underhanded maneuvers?

I suppose it's just easier to wax poetic about freedom when it's about "over there."

(For Pete's sake, no, I'm not equating the degree of freedom in the US with that in North Korea. I'm talking about calling for more freedom there as a condition of aid while cooperating in undermining freedom here.)

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