Thursday, January 06, 2005

And so to bed

This is going to have to be a short night. I've had very bad insomnia the last few nights and I'm really just running on fumes now. So perhaps with a chance to recharge and with no obligations in the AM I can come back strong and really let you know what I think of the incompetent questioning of that no-good lying slimebucket Attorney-General-to-be.

But I'll say this now: Some have called for a filibuster against Gonzales. I say it's not gonna happen. I say that after a lot of supposedly tough talk the Dimwits will fold again and we'll hear whiny "well, the president should be able to have the people he wants" crap. (If that's so, why even have a confirmation process?) I say that when all is said and done, there'll be maybe 30 votes against him. (Go ahead, Dums, fool me. I triple-dog dare you.)

And I say that those who are comforting themselves with "well, he's not John Ashcroft" are not only fooling themselves, they have memory problems, having forgotten that during his confirmation hearings, Burntfarm gave exactly that same kind of "administer the law impartially" assurances that Gonzales is giving.

Never mind. I'm overtired and probably even more grouchy than usual. Goodnight.

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