Thursday, January 06, 2005

Lesson learned

Remember all that stuff I wrote just yesterday about how the Dummycrats were "show[ing] some backbone and a willingness to fight" because of the news that there was going to be a challenge to the certification of Shrub's election?

Forget it. Forget it all. How could I have been so foolish?

Oh yes, there was an objection. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH, 11) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) fulfilled the necessary roles of having at least one person from each chamber object. And oh yes, the honorable members of Congress had to go back to their respective chambers to debate the merits of the challenge for up to two hours. And oh, yes, there was talk and speeches.

And when it came down to it, only 31 members of the House voted for the challenge. In the Senate, which took only an hour to "debate," the vote was 74-1 to accept the Ohio electors. Boxer was the sole no.
Democratic leaders distanced themselves from the effort, which many in the party worried would make them look like sore losers. Bush won Ohio by 118,000 votes and carried the national contest by 3.3 million votes, and Kerry himself - meeting with troops in the Middle East - did not support the challenge. ...

Senate Democratic aides said new Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., initially opposed challenging the Ohio vote, and questioned Boxer about it when she told him she would join the protest. ...

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., declined to directly answer reporters' questions about whether she supported the move.
So just like so many times before, they talk big, they talk tough, but when it comes right down to it they collapse like a house of tissue paper for fear of how they'll "look" - or, more accurately, fear of what the GOPpies might call them. A - what collective name should be give to a group of big wet wimps? How about a "collaboration?" A collaboration of wimps.

No, there was never a chance of stopping the certification. But dammit, getting say 100-150 votes in the House and 25-30 in the Senate could have - would have - been a declaration by the Dims that they were not going to let themselves get pushed around anymore.

Dreamer. Idiot. Fool. I said last month that "we're on our own." I allowed myself for a moment to think that we might have allies among the Democrats beyond the handful we've known for a time. I won't make that mistake again.

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