Sunday, December 07, 2008

Okay, so it wasn't later

It was much later. Anyway, the deal is that I've been having some trouble with my LAN and it finally just stopped working the other day. A few tests showed that the problem was at my computer.

Some fist-banging later, I determined I had to reinstall the software for my wireless connector. Fine. I dig though the pile of installation CDs, find the one I need, and pop it into the CD-ROM drive.

And... um... pop it into... um... Hey?

The CD-ROM drive isn't working. It responds, the green light comes on - but it adamantly refuses to open.

Now what? I can't reinstall the software 'cause the drive doesn't work. I can't go online to download the software because I can't get online without installing the software - which I can't install because the drive doesn't work!

After more fist- (and some head-) banging I located a backup copy of the installation software in a Temp folder. Whew! I reinstall, the wireless connector appears to come up fine, I start Firefox - and nothing. "Can't get a connection."

ARRRGH! God da- oh wait, since I reinstalled the software, I have to reconnect to the LAN, don't I? Duh.

And so here I am. Finally back. The drive still doesn't work, I don't know that to do about that right now; I suppose I'll try to find a driver online and reinstall that, hoping it will fix the problem. But at least I have internet access back and frankly, that's more important right now.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
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