Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Just a thought

As I'm far from the first to point out, the Bush administration some time ago shifted gears to talking about an Iraqi WMD program rather than actual weapons. At first, of course, they were quite definitive in their claims of the existence of such weapons, but no more.

(Sidebar: The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has a useful collection of administration statements on the matter over the last 15 months, available here.)

But what if it turns out they're right in that some evidence is found of low-level activity trying to keep a program alive until some hoped-for future day when sanctions are lifted? Wouldn't that show, by the White House's own argument, that Saddam Hussein wanted to develop unconventional weapons but was unable to do so - meaning that the much-maligned sanctions and inspections were working exactly as intended?

Memo to Bushies: Be careful what you wish for.

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