Saturday, May 01, 2004

Another sorts of quagmire

With only a month left before it's self-imposed deadline, the UN is having great difficulty finding enough peacekeeping troops to fulfill its pledge to take over security in Haiti from the US, the New York Times reported on Friday.

Diplomats pointed to several "challenges" involved, but the biggest ones are that
large parts of the country remain under the rebels' control, and that there has been no systematic effort to disarm them. ...

In addition, some potential contributors are reluctant to offer troops because of lingering doubts about the conditions of Mr. Aristide's departure....

"The big problem they have is the controversy over Aristide's departure," said a senior diplomat who is involved in the negotiations. "It remains a cancer, and it tends to limit support."
CARICOM continues to resist recognizing the new government, having put off any decision until July. Few nations, it seems, are willing to pick up after our mess. Again.

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