Thursday, August 26, 2004


Right-winger Michelle Malkin's new book, In Defense of Internment (which I note for the record I'm calling a book only because of the combination of cover, binding, and pages with print on them, not because it actually contains anything of value), uses bogus and long-discredited claims to argue that the shameful World War II internment of Japanese-Americans was a "military necessity" that caused only "inconvenience" - and does that in order to justify active racial profiling of Arab-Americans and Muslims today.

The August 24 Daily Star (Lebanon) has a good commentary on her "book," which includes this sentence, which is what I wanted to note:
"[W]hen we are under attack, 'Racial profiling' - or more precisely, threat profiling - is justified," she argues.
Note that well: "Threat profiling" is a "more precise" rendering of racial profiling - thus equating "threat" with "race." What Malkin proposes to do is to take a characteristic ("threat to the US" - or, more likely, "threat to me, who cares about you") that might apply to some members of a group (Muslim- and Arab-Americans), to make that characteristic a defining one for the group as a whole ("race = threat"), and then to judge every individual member of that group in terms of that claimed definition.

That, friends, is a definition of racism.

Micelle Malkin is a racist. Period.

Footnote: She tries to slip loose by asserting "Make no mistake: I am not advocating rounding up all Arabs or Muslims and tossing them into camps." But
[w]hatever reservations Malkin may have about a mass incarceration of Arab- and Muslim-Americans are confined to a single sentence: "In part because of the geographical dispersion of the current threat of Islamofascism, it is hard to imagine parallel circumstances under which America would be compelled to replicate something on the scale of the West Coast evacuation and relocation during World War II."
That is, it's just not practical. Oh well, then, I guess that's okay. I am SO reassured.

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