Saturday, August 20, 2005

A little more seepage through the cracks

Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) has become the first senator to call for a specific deadline for pulling US troops out of Iraq. What's more, he,
criticized fellow Democrats for being too "timid" in challenging the Bush administration's war policy.
Feingold's proposed date, December 31, 2006 is much too far in the future - the deadline should be more like 90 or 120 days, not over 16 months - but the very fact that he proposed a deadline is a new crack in the Congressional ranks and says that the effects of public pressure and public dissatisfaction are starting to show.

The trial balloons the Shrub team put up about the possibility of a "significant drawdown" next year didn't seem to have the desired effect of placating the restless natives, probably because, trapped by their own rhetoric and assumptions, they couldn't commit to anything because it would "send the wrong signal" and "encourage the terrorists" and so on and so forth, so it seemed as empty a gesture as it in fact was. Besides, it was such an easy target that even the Dummycrats were able to hit it with darts of "Oh, yeah, spring 2006, right before the elections, uh huh, real coincidence, yup."

And, of course, what with the military declaring the Army is making plans for keeping the current level of troops in Iraq for more than four more years, it becomes hard to convince anyone that the WHS* are serious about abandoning their dreams of regional dominance. Over time the cracks now appearing can only grow and widen.


Thanks for PastPeak for the link.

*WHS = White House Sociopaths

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