Friday, November 04, 2005


From The Independent (UK) for last Friday comes news that
[t]he Bush White House is not only losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people. It also appears to be losing its sense of humour.

The administration has just written a cease-and-desist letter to the satirical newspaper The Onion, urging it to stop using the presidential seal on its website.
Of course, the seal has been used in parody and satire any number of times, but in this case the White House is saying that the seal
"is not to be used in connection with commercial ventures or products in any way that suggests presidential support or endorsement."
The Shrub team is endorsing The Onion? Even by implication? Have they actually read the thing?

So I think The Independent is wrong: I don't think the White House has lost its sense of humor. I think they're just so desperate to find a new source of support somewhere that they'll take anything they can find - or think they find.

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I support the OCCUPY movement
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