Monday, March 05, 2007

Excuse me?

TPMMuckraker got this tidbit from Bob Novak's colums for Saturday:
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, House Democratic Caucus chairman, had written [Attorney General Alberto "Call me Al unless I want to be able to accuse liberals of anti-Hispanic bias"] Gonzales two letters suggesting that he name Carol Lam, fired as U.S. attorney in San Diego, as an outside counsel to continue her pursuit of the Duke Cunningham case. Asked by Melissa Charbonneau of the Christian Broadcasting Network about this column’s report that Gonzales did not respond, Gonzales said: “I think that the American people lose if I spend all my time worrying about congressional requests for information, if I spend all my time responding to subpoenas.”
Uh, did the Attorney General of the US just say he won't bother responding to Congressional subpoenas because he's just too busy? "I'm the Attorney General! I'm a busy man! I can't be bothered with trifles like, uh, the law."

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