Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ohh Noooo!

Doing my best Mr. Bill imitation.

I wanted to do some kind of sarcasm with this but it's just beyond that. Or satire. It's from the Washington Post and it's just - well, I really don't know how to describe it so I won't except to say the domino theory ain't got nothin' on this.
Vice President Dick Cheney said Thursday night that a too-soon withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq could send victorious militants spreading out, with some flocking to Afghanistan to fight alongside a regrouping Taliban. ...

"If our coalition withdrew before Iraqis could defend themselves, radical factions would battle for dominance. The violence would likely spread throughout the country and be very difficult to contain. Having tasted victory in Iraq, the (militants) would look for new missions. Many would head for Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban," Cheney said.

He said others would head for capitals across the Middle East and work to undermine moderate governments. "Still others would find their targets and victims in other countries on other continents..," Cheney said.
Yes, "tasting victory" in an insurrection against a foreign occupation or a bloody civil war is like eating a potato chip: You just crave more and more.

Damn, if this whole thing doesn't sound like a promo clip for some grade B horror flick.

(Pounding background music builds.)
(Deep, ominous voice speaks) "Militants - spreading, multiplying, breeding. Nowhere is safe! No one is safe! Look out! They're coming for YOU!"
(Cheap musical score hits resounding crescendo.)

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