Thursday, January 03, 2013

Left Side of the Aisle #89 - Part 4

Clown Award: Suing Connecticut for $100 million for Newtown shooting

The Clown Award, given as needed for acts of meritorious stupidity.

This week's dishonoree is Irving Pinsky, a lawyer in New Haven, CT representing the parents of an unnamed 6-year-old survivor of the Newtown school shooting.

In a filing the last week of December, he claimed the girl, referred to only as "Jill Doe," heard some of the violence over the school’s intercom system and sustained “emotional and psychological trauma and injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined." He wanted to sue the state of Connecticut for $100 million.

He dropped the claim a couple of days later, because, he said, he was evaluating new evidence. Some of that evidence may have revolved around how you sue for damages for injuries which you can't identify and whose severity you can't even describe. But what I expect what he truly was evaluating was the reaction his filing got as the town continues to mourn and parents bury their children.

Pinsky, however, says he does not rule out further legal action. But really, it's okay, it's all good - because it was never about the money, perish the thought. It was about "improving school security."

No, it was about the money. Irving Pinsky and the parents that hired you, you are all clowns.


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