Among those supporting the plan, hatched at a church meeting on February 10, is Diana Medley, a special education teacher, who not only compared being homosexual to being one of what she called "my special needs kids" but insisted that being homosexual is a deliberate choice and that gays and lesbians have no purpose to their lives.
There is some pushback: A Facebook page called "Support The Sullivan High School Prom For All Students" has appeared and already has over 1,000 likes.
One of the students involved in the plan for a "no homos allowed" dance said "we want to make the public see that we love the homosexuals, but we don't think it's right nor should it be accepted." Yeah, right: "I love you, you abomination in the eyes of god that I can't even stand to share a high school gymnasium with." Funny way to show love.
Then again, what can you expect from a collection of clowns?
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