Saturday, November 01, 2008

This is not about the election

Well, actually it is kinda sorta but since it's not actually about the horserace crap or why Barack Obama is the answer to all our problems because he is so different and stuff, I suppose it's okay. The truth is, it just struck me funny enough to pass on. It comes here courtesy of TPM, which quotes a new campaign memo from McCain campaign manager Rick Davis thusly:
Expanding the Field: Obama is running out of states if you follow out a traditional model. Today, he expanded his buy into North Dakota, Georgia and Arizona in an attempt to widen the playing field and find his 270 Electoral Votes. This is a very tall order and trying to expand into new states in the final hours shows he doesn't have the votes to win.
In other words, the fact that three red states, including John McCain's home state, are now in play is excellent news for John McCain.

You know the old definition of chutzpah as that which is shown by someone who murders their parents and then pleads for mercy on the grounds that they're an orphan? I think we have a challenger.

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// I Support The Occupy Movement : banner and script by @jeffcouturer / (v1.2) document.write('
I support the OCCUPY movement
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