Monday, May 16, 2005

Step by step

In a recent exchange on another blog about the value, if any, of demonstrations, I maintained that one undeniable benefit is that they "legitimize dissent" - and thus make it easier for others to go a step beyond where they already are.

Unfortunately, the same works in reverse: The more bigotry and intolerance there is, the more it becomes "legitimate" for others to express their own. The L.A. Times reported on Monday that
[a] Roman Catholic priest in St. Paul[, Minnesota] denied communion to more than 100 people because they wore rainbow-colored sashes to church to show their support for gay Catholics.

Before offering communion, Father Michael Sklucazek told the congregation at the Cathedral of St. Paul that anyone wearing a sash could come forward for a blessing but would not receive wine and bread.

A group called the Rainbow Sash Alliance had encouraged supporters since 2001 to wear the multicolored fabric bands on Pentecost Sunday.

It was the first time supporters had been denied communion.
The National Catholic Register reports that the denial, carried out on the orders of his bishop, has the support of the Vatican.

Now, I grew up Roman Catholic and at one time was well-versed in the rules. I admit to having forgotten a fair number of them and while I do remember a requirement that you be in "a state of grace" to receive communion, I can't seem to recall anything about "wearing rainbow sashes" - or your personal political beliefs - being a disqualifier. I guess I've just forgotten - unless, that is, what's happening instead is that the Catholic Church as an institution is reaffirming its commitment to sexual bigotry and declaring an intention to enforce political orthodoxy.

Rev. Chan Chandler is surely gratified.

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